Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Have a Nosey, then.

I love grocery shopping. I don't know if it's because it's my regular (too regular if you look at my bank stantements) outing or if it's because I get to peep in other peoples trolleys and see what they get. The best way to try a new product is a recommendation, right? Here are the products I love and can't live without.

Aldi organic pasta sauces, about $3. Coles organic tomato sauce (I will eat regular sauce, but begrudgingly, this tastes awesome).

Gluten Free wraps! $2 at Bilo. Stoked, they look really soft. GF icecream cones, little and great for vegies as a novelty for SB, who isn't a huuuuge fan.

I am totally in love with these pegs, totally recycled and recyclable, can go in the dishwasher...and in greeeen my favourite colour. I'm sure I've seen these at Bi-lo, Coles and Woolies at some point.

I am trying to reduce the amount of crap we eat, we are in the habit of getting 'treaties' every day. SD has upgraded to 2 chocolate bars and a packet of chips a day...and he insists on getting me a family block of chocolate. I've cut down on that, I can make it last about 16 hours, but I think he probably buys me that so he doesn't feel so bad about eating rubbish. So I'm stocking the house up with the good stuff. NO MORE MIDNIGHT SERVO RUNS. We aren't even pregnant! Actually, SD piled on the kilos in sympathy of my pregnancy. I guess I delivered and baby and he had no deadline...perhaps he is still pregnant?
I'm impressed with both of these, although I'm disappointed the supermarkets are no longer stocking 'Sir Thomas Chipman' organic corn chips, cause they ROCKED. ( If you see any, please let me know where)

My new impulse replacement - for omega oils and all that good stuff.

Cleaning products we use...these seem to be the most earth friendly in a supermarket. We love the body wash, it's only $3 (cheaper again from Crazy Clarkes) and it's cruelty free.

The breastfeeding association recommends lux flakes, so I know they are good. And this is the first time trying out this Seventh Generation stuff. Are you sick of your dishwashed glasses getting frothy when you fill them with water? I suspect that means too much powder has been used...I realise it gives you an indication of how much to fill, but chances are, your dishwasher came with a packet of 'Finish'. Perhaps they made a deal, if the dishwashing companies made the sections bigger, they could give them free powder, which means you use more, buy more.....

I freakin LOVE this hommus and won't bother with any other type, thankfully it's also organic.  I love Nuttelex. No animal products in it suggests that no animals were harmed in it....
Nimbin cheese is by far the tastiest cheese I have found, and I'm an addict. What I especially like is that the rennet use in it is not made from animal intestines...so it's totally vegetarion. Just don't tell my father in law, it's his favourite cheese and for some reason, he would stop buying it. I am on the hunt for a non-animal rennet shredded cheese...I swear Home Brand used to be....ah well, might just have to start shredding the Nimbin for SB.

Being gf can get quite expensive, so I buy a few cereals - some tasty, some bland and mix it up for breakfast. SB pours bits of this in and bits of that....and if I'm not eating it with him, he can throw in a few Fruity Bix and Cheerios. My breakfast stash includes these tasty cornflakes, amaranth for protein, muesli, almond meal, sultanas, LSA mix and brown rice pops.

My new Deceptively Delicious book certainly has me buying more and eating more vegetables than usual. Going to try get through this all week and freeze the rest. I'm getting my healthy on!

I am also a huge fan of A2 milk and Jalna Vanilla yoghurt. If you are interested in what is in your food, check out the labels of yoghurt and compare them to Jalna or the Organic one with the fruit on top (green lid).

Okay, off to cook tea now. What food items do YOU recommend?

1 comment:

  1. I also love cheese so will have a look out for Nimbin :)
