Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Wanting to make meal times easier...

I've been thinking about ideas to make meal times easier. Do you have any to add?

- Plan a weekly dinner schedule, and shop for it, freezing meat.
- Take the meat out of the freezer to defrost in the fridge overnight.
- Peel vegies and leave in water in the fridge? Maybe do this during the
day whilst on the phone or whilst kids are sleeping.
- Make enough for leftovers for lunch, or freeze some for an easy night.
- Add a tin of chickpeas/lentils to pastas to make them filling and leave
more for another meal/serve for more people.

- Night before prerp - Pour eggs and chopped vegies, cheese and milk into
a sealable container and stick in the fridge to simply pour and cook an
omlette/scrambled eggs in the morning

- If spending the day out, prepare lunches the night before. I find it
really hard to do the morning chores and packing bags if I have to make
and pack lunches too.
- I buy yoghurt in a kilo tub to save packaging. Then I'll get the days
serve, pour in some flaxseed oil (don't use if you're pregnant) and some
LSA or extra Organic Strawberry Jam if it's not sweet enough.

Better go, out for the day and I didn't think to prepare lunch last night, that was this mornings idea!


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