Sunday, December 13, 2009

I have a confession...

I was really grossed out by the advert where the woman uses the raw chicken to wipe down the benches. Am I alone on this? Ever since, I can't help but inspect family members cloths and scrubbing brushes and replace them when no one is looking...

My confession is....up until recently, I was buying antibacterial disposable wipes to clean the highchair. So those ads really worked! So wasteful I know and it makes no sense because I'm a cloth nappy user, but I just wasn't mentally ready for taking on any other method when I just had to clean so much and I wanted the highchair to not harbour any germs that may make SB sick.

I then found a roll of Chux cloths - available in blue, green or red - cheapest at Priceline (about $3-4 dollars) - and now I throw the days worth into the wash and re-use them. About $5 saved a week by doing this, and the Chux literally take up no space in the machine or in the line.

I have seen people cut a square of each colour Chux and laminate them on a small poster, to remind people that the blue cloth is for the bench, the green is for the bathroom and the red is for the floor. Not a bad idea really, I get grossed out by contamination (thank the gods I don't have a blacklight!).

Do you know what does confuse me? When people don't have handsoap in the kitchen. Don't they wash their hands before preparing food? Or after touching meat? I used to get very annoyed when I was a checkout chick that we weren't allowed soap in the kitchen, and had to touch at least 2 door handles to wash our hands in the bathroom, before touching those 2 doors again to go out and walk through the kitchen to walk out and handle peoples fruit and veg on the checkout. Just crazy.

End rant.


  1. Norwex cloths are fantastic too. They are antibacterial mircofibre so lock in the germs until you wash it. They will last a lot longer than the Chux too. You can buy their super cute Travel Pack for $26.50 & you get 4 different coloured cloths about the size of a face washer.

  2. Hey thanks for the reminder, I really need to check them out.

  3. No worries they have some fantastic December specials at the moment. She hasn't updated her website with them yet but I bought a pack for $69, normal price $164.55. I've emailed to your SM gmail account.

  4. LOL you continue to amaze me how like me you are... after uni I thought, "Oh, yeah, babies need germs, its best not to have a germ free household"... then flashforward to me now pine-o-cleaning the living hell out of the highchair!! I am using reusable cloths, however, the coles microfiber ones. I have a sprayer filled with white vinegar which is supposed to be a disinfectant, but I may as well use the last of the pine-o-clean while its there... sweet, piney, germ anhialating pine-o-clean...
    don't get me started on how I nuke the potty... or my overuse of that alcohol hand sanitiser...

  5. Ahhhh now see the hand sanitiser freaks me out. I still need water to wash my hands afterwards.

    How do you clean the potty, by the way? I love me some glen 20 for the nappy station!

  6. I clean the potty the really eco friendly method, I soak it overnight in what is basically hardly diluted pine o clean then rinse it 1000 times with hot water! Even then if Joss is playing with a toy whilst backing out a twosie, and that toy hits the outside of the potty, it goes in the pile to be sterilised!! I am only now letting Joss have toys back that fall on the floor. Don't get me started on when I went to the lab, and idiotic colleagues grabbed her little hand without washing their blood, poo, urine and plueral fluid contaminated hands!! ARRGH!! It took all of my self control not to cut her hand off and throw it in the bin... I had to settle for a thorough hand washing or 10...
    woops it seems I have unloaded a little too much of my crazeh...

  7. Zoe that there, is the funniest thing I have read all week.

    I've only recently realised that I don't wash SB's hands half as much as I should now that he is crawling. I feel terrible as I won't eat without washing mine, and there he is hands on the floor constantly!!

    I'm pretty relaxed about germs but not when it comes to sponges, highchairs and potties. I love your eco friendly way of cleaning the potty. Did you know that you are single handedly the reason for the current water restrictions?

  8. LOL I bet I am!! I promise to cut back on the potty rinsing, down to 500 times. Its a start...
